About us

About us



IBe-VM  (INDIAN  BUREAU OF  e-VETERINARY  MEDICINE)  is an online veterinary resource dedicated to offering detailed and current pharmaceutical information on brand and generic veterinary  drugs and run by LITD (“LIVESTOCK INSTITUTE OF TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT”, A Registered Organization , Dedicated  to Animal Health care & Livestock Development.) It is a comprehensive, free-to-access, online database containing information on veterinary  drugs and food supplements.. IBe-VM  is widely used by the veterinary pharma industry, veterinary chemists, pharmacists, vet.physicians, vet.students and the general livestock farmers. Because of its broad scope, comprehensive referencing, and detailed data descriptions, IBe-VM  is enabling major advancements across the data-driven veterinary medicine industry.

Vision and mission

Our vision is a world where everyone benefits from access to safe, effective, quality and affordable  Veterinary medicines and Animal health technologies, as well as from Veterinary pharmaceutical care services provided by pharmacists, in collaboration with other Animal healthcare professionals.

Our mission is to support global Animal health by enabling the advancement of Veterinary pharmaceutical practice, sciences and education.

Our aim is to be the Internet’s most trusted resource for veterinary drug and related animal  health information. We will achieve this aim by presenting independent, objective, comprehensive and up-to-date information in a clear and concise format for both livestock farmers  and animal healthcare professionals.